- horror reviews - MOH 2023


IMDb Info

Release Year: 2022
Runtime: 1h 26m
Country: Canada
Language: English
Genre Tags: Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi
Plot Summary: In Nunavut, four girls who like horror and alien movies, love their phones and even their poor elders who believe in shapeshifters because "they didn't have the internet" realize local disappearances are linked to a shapeshifting alien.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes: What if The Thing, but starring Inuit girls? It's absolutely delightful. Filming in Nunavut and starring a cast local non-actors, this is a fun YA horror movie. Not too scary, not too gory, full of goofy charm. Made me feel like a kid again.

Outside Reviews:

Nick Allen
2.5 our of 4 stars -

But "Slash/Back" gains its greater power with its entertaining narrative of these Inuit heroes warding off invaders, trying to save their home while earning a deeper pride in that very place and its people. It's sincerely sweet and entertaining, and its impact is felt even more as the black alien blood starts to fly. Like it says on Maika's jacket while she prepares for battle: "No justice on stolen land."